Page name: The Fluffy Club [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-09 00:05:46
Last author: ArkyLarky
Owner: ArkyLarky
# of watchers: 38
Fans: 0
D20: 11
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Hello, and welcome to my first wiki page, The Fluffy Club!!!!!! This place is dedicated to the greatest Inuyasha character ever, SESSHOUMARU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ Here you discuss anything that has to do with Sesshoumaru or anything Inuyasha (as long as you dont insult one of these amazing characters.) ((ok, maybe you can insult Inuyasha)) ^^ lol No, dont do that.

Lots of people have been asking me this, so I'm telling you now, I DONT GIVE OUT THE PASSWORD!!!

Rules to join:
1.) Must be an Inuaysha fan

2.) You ahve to respect everyone here, no name-calling or swearing.

3.) You have to have a banner on your page within 3 days of joining. If not, you will be taken off the Members list.

4.) Enjoy!! This is my first wiki, so dont blame me if it stinks.

Fluffy's Fans <--member list (no password)

Here's some cool pages that I made for this page:
Inuyasha music

The Fluffy Club's RP Room

The Fluffy Club's FanFic Corner

The Fluffy Club's Fanart Board







This banner is from [BlueCat-CJ] ^^ Thank ya Mew

Thankies for the banner, [Lady Alaina]


Thankies [Masayume_soto]!!! Its sooo kawaii!!!

Thanks lots [will turner neko]!!!!! ~^^~

Thanks for the banner [Halkatla]!!!!!!!!!

One'o'mine ^^

Thank You soooo much for the banner [NightmarishEnd]

Thanks [Rin], this is unber kawaii! X3

NOTE!: Okay, this is [BlueCat-CJ] here, and during that strange night (or whatever), some screen names changed, like [Mom] turned into [mommiemilo] (wow, I remembered that). If your screen name has changed, then I'm sure [ArkyLarky] and I can do something about it!
(P.S. I hope you don't mind me putting this note here [ArkyLarky]! X3)

I dun care, thanks a lot for tellin me [BlueCat-CJ] ^^

Username (or number or email):


[Konoha ANBU]: Konnichiwa!!!!!

[No Longer On Here]: Annyoung Hose yo

[Kai Ken]: Konnichiwa!!!!!

[dracos8]: ohayou gozaimasu! lol, had to be different. yeah, i vote clothes!

[Kai Ken]: ohayou... ichi ni ichi ni.... Khe! Ba~ka!

[Kai Ken]: i just know few words... and don't know how to spell em' but if you want to help me then.... okke^^

[this user is dead]: cool thats the thing i lived there for 2 years but i suck at spelling them

[Kai Ken]: I wanna see! spell something?

[this user is dead]: ichi bon papa san

[Kai Ken]: ? what's it mean

[Kai Ken]: number one papa-san?

[this user is dead]: it rughly means ... number 1 old man

[Kai Ken]: well is it ichiban jiichan or something?

[Kai Ken]: donno^^ cus papa ish also daddy

[this user is dead]: yes that it is but lol hey i am just reperating what a friend over there told me

[Kai Ken]: haha^^ who ish he/she?

[this user is dead]: she was my friend and for the life of me i cant spell her name

[Kai Ken]: ... so she ish not your friend now? joke joke^^ well can you try spelling her name?

[this user is dead]: okies Kemukiu i think lol she is still my friend

[Konoha ANBU]: so what is every one up too? ichi ringo!!!!

[Kai Ken]: ?? 1 ringo? is it apple?... -_-

[Kai Ken]: ....

[Kai Ken]: do you know? what ringo is?

[Kai Ken]: it's got to be apple...

[Kai Ken]: no?

[this user is dead]: i dont know what it is

[Kai Ken]: yeap it's apple^^

[this user is dead]: okies if you say so

[Kai Ken]: yeah

[this user is dead]: wait how do you know?

[Kai Ken]: well i'm soo~ good that i know (cus i'v heard it too meny times)

[this user is dead]: lol you are good

[Kai Ken]: no i'm not... this one is good: niwano niwaniwa niwa niwatoriwa niwakani wanio tabeta

[this user is dead]: ummm what that mean?

[Konoha ANBU]: Yes it means apple but the long line above it beyone my skills.

[Kai Ken]: it's Two chickens in Mr. Niwa's garden suddenly ate an alligator.

[this user is dead]: ahhh wait what?

[Kai Ken]: yeap^^

[this user is dead]: your confuseding

[Kai Ken]: why?

[this user is dead]: you just are

[Kai Ken]: what did i do?

[this user is dead]: not sure

[Kai Ken]: yes you are, tell me

[this user is dead]: no im not

[Kai Ken]: ok....

[this user is dead]: *smiles inocently*

[Kai Ken]: .... *evil look*.....

[this user is dead]: *hides under a rock*

[Kai Ken]: *looks at the rock as evil as ever* *rock blows up*

[this user is dead]: * looks around and choses a bigger rock*

[Kai Ken]: .... *grin*.... 

[this user is dead]: *sticks tounge out at you*

[Kai Ken]: *sad look this time*

[this user is dead]: aww me sorry me not ment to make you sad * hugs you*

[Kai Ken]: it's not you... i'm just sad

[this user is dead]: whats wrong?

[Kai Ken]: well i'm sad cus this anime ended.... and that's sad.... feels like someone died....

[Zardra]: I saw at a website that had news about the InuYasha movies that they are thinking about continuing InuYasha... with new episodes. I know they said that it was the end of it when it ended but, they are thinking about it....          and wheee, I have the fourth movie! ^____^

[Kai Ken]: ^^ yay!!!

[Kai Ken]: ^^ haha

[dracos8]: yeah i've heard that too, at inuyasha moon. but wait. you have the fourth movie!! i didn't know it was out yet, i wonder if it's available for purchase at anime toxic

[Kai Ken]: o_O

[Zardra]: *^_^* yeah, I have to fourth movie. I dont know if its anywhere available to burchase yet though, this one is... not bought... *^_^*

[dracos8]: lol, well, thats okay cus i have no money to spend, i just got a whole bunch of nintendo stuff ^ ^ so, did they do a good job on it?

[Kai Ken]: Oo i'm going to get the new nintendo when it comes....

[dracos8]: new nintendo? whats this about?

[Kai Ken]: um.... it's the machine that you put games in and then you play.....

[dracos8]: no, you said new nintendo. as in a new system. okies.

[Kai Ken]: ^^ haha

[dracos8]: yeah, well then. i'll keep to gc and gb. ^ ^

[Kai Ken]: gb? what was that?

[dracos8]: game boy. i have an sp

[Kai Ken]: oh.... ah well i said gamecube last year it was like "gq" -.-

[dracos8]: ... what? you lost me quite awhile ago

[Kai Ken]: ... i did?

[dracos8]: yeah. hey, i'm drawing a piccy! ^ ^

[this user is dead]: immmmmmmmmmmm back

[Kai Ken]: Yay!! what piccy? Oh, Hi there dragon1black^^

[this user is dead]: <(n_n)> heya

[dracos8]: i dunno, it's from a dream i had, but theres this guy sitting in a chair.... yea...

[Kai Ken]: ok O_o

[this user is dead]: ahhh ha ok

[Kai Ken]: ... ^^

[dracos8]: yeah...anywayz.... whats up?

[this user is dead]: not much u?

[Kai Ken]: much much, u?

[dracos8]: lol, uh, not much or much much. ^ ^ 

[Kai Ken]: ^^ yeah

[this user is dead]: ihhh yea

[Kai Ken]: ^^

[Kai Ken]: ??

[this user is dead]: silly you

[Kai Ken]: ...... O_O

[this user is dead]: <(n_n)>*glomps*

[Kai Ken]: ok...

[Kai Ken]: lool

[this user is dead]: you silly

[Kai Ken]: what makes you think that?

[this user is dead]: casue i know so

[Kai Ken]: ...

[this user is dead]: cause i am smart

[Kai Ken]: Haha!! that's a laugh!!

[this user is dead]: but i am

[Kai Ken]: okey... sorry

[this user is dead]: dont be sorry

[Kai Ken]: why not?

[this user is dead]: cause i say so

[Kai Ken]: ...... okey sorry

[this user is dead]: dont be sorry

[Kai Ken]: i'll try, sorry

[this user is dead]: stop being sorry

[Kai Ken]: okey okey! i'm sorry...

[Zardra]: :-O

[Kai Ken]: ....

[Zardra]: wheeeeeeeeeee! *huggleglomp*     ^^;

[Kai Ken]: wow!!

[Zardra]: ^^; heheheheheheeeee *dances around like a crazy person*

[Kai Ken]: ...

[Zardra]: *hides in the corner* eeeeeep! ^^;

[Kai Ken]: *tear*

[Zardra]: *huggles and offers chocolate* ^^;

[Kai Ken]: thanks... *tear*

[this user is dead]: whats wrong?

[Kai Ken]: just sad that's all

[Kai Ken]: Vote at [Avatar15]s house!!

[kulianne]: hello

[Kai Ken]: Hi^^

[Kai Ken]: Hi^^

[kulianne]: huh?^^"

[Kai Ken]: Nya!

[Rin]: eek! ^^ Rin must join Sesshoumaru-Sama's club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Rin]: oh yeah, that thing about the badge MUSt be on our page in three days or we get took of the list..cna it be in our extended page/wiki instead?

[Kai Ken]: .....donno

[kulianne]: ...

[Kai Ken]: ^^

[DarkAngel3]: doot doot doot

[DarkAngel3]: hmm?

[The Last Laugh]: what badge? whats going on?

[DarkAngel3]: *lost*

[The Last Laugh]: me three. or is it two? to? too? ^_^


[The Last Laugh]: lol yahoo.

[Kai Ken]: ...

[kulianne]: kuuuuuuuuuuuuu?

[Kai Ken]: Kukuuuuuuuu^^

[Kai Ken]: ...

[DarkAngel3]: ........mmkay......

[Kai Ken]: you'r GAY???

[DarkAngel3]: .....not me.....

[No Longer On Here]: oOo Im going as Sesshy for an anime convention in a few months!!!!

[No Longer On Here]: Yesh I plan on being the sexiest sesshy alive except for the original of course xD

[{*~Chelsea~*}]: hey ppl do u all lov inuyasha as much as i do

[No Longer On Here]: Sorry cant stand Inu, Sesshy pwns j00!

[The Last Laugh]: as do I.

[{*~Chelsea~*}]: oh ok so can i join u

[The Last Laugh]: that'd be cool.

[Kai Ken]: oh! another sexy picture.... ^^ me sees mostly sasunaru pics ^^

[Zardra]: yeah, heheee, I'm on a Sasunaru (or better: NaruSasu) high ^__^ ... still trying to draw the Inu boys from now and then though ^^;

[Kai Ken]: Kyaaa!! too sesshy! sweet!

[kulianne]: eh?

[I'm Your Favourite Mistake]: I have not been here in soooo long

[Kai Ken]: ^^ hehe

[kulianne]: ^^

[Kai Ken]: :P

[Kai Ken]: Hello! What's up?

[kulianne]: not much u?

[Kai Ken]: hmm.. i don't actually know

[kulianne]: really?

[Kai Ken]: yeah... black out...O_O'

[kulianne]: oh? sorry

[Kai Ken]: *giggle* no worries^^ I'm still as goofy as ever

[kulianne]: yeah!!

[Kai Ken]: Oh...

[kulianne]: come what fun is any thing if your not goofy

[Kai Ken]: Yeah^^

[kulianne]: ^^

[~Crimson Angel~]: hello

[kulianne]: hallo^^

[~Crimson Angel~]: how are you?

[kulianne]: tired and your self?^^

[~Crimson Angel~]: I'm good

[kulianne]: thats good ^^

[~Crimson Angel~]: Wow that comment has been there forever,and this one might too.

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